Monday, January 10, 2011

First Post!

So, I finally decided that I should try to start a blog, again, after many years of thinking about it, trying it once and failing. Perhaps being older and with a bit more time on my hands, I can now manage a blog. Maybe do a weekly posting or such. Or post whenever I wanted to with random ideas and thoughts that come to mind. Primarily, I want to start writing so that I my writing abilities don't go down. After writing emails at work, I've noticed that my writing has gone downhill. Anyone else notice that?

Has anyone else ever notice that when you purge your closet, it feels so good. Over the last year, I've slowly purged out a lot of closet items that I no longer wanted, liked or fit. It felt good, but not as good as when you purge out a lot of items. So the other day, as a continuation of my last year's New Year's resolution, I continued to purge books, notes and more items. It feels better when I purge late at night, and that night as I was going throgh my old purses and old books, I felt very good after I was done. I don't know why, but I get better satisfaction when I clean items out late at night. I sleep better, probably knowing that I did something that I can visually see. Then I found some old plushie toys from when I was younger, and found that a set of plushies that I had was going for $125 on ebay! Mine aren't as in great conditon, but some easy money (hoping $50) here I come!!

Wish me luck!

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