Sunday, January 16, 2011

Petit Bimbo?

I've spotted this biscuit several times at the deli... and everytime I just look at it and laugh. I mean.. you can call a biscuit petit bimbo, but you don't have to put a small blonde child in the picture as well. It just seems to push the idea that blonds are bimbo's. I finally caved in and spent the little money that it cost to buy this lovely petit bimbo, hoping it would taste fabulous or like those arrowroot biscuits that I loved so much as a child. Sadly, it didn't taste anything like the arrowroot biscuits. It tasted like a biscuit I've had before, but with a hint of staleness. Now let me say, the deli I go to has a lot of imported European biscuits, snacks, cakes and a whole lot of pasta stuff. The cakes I've purchased in the past,, on sale too, was stale (Being the cheap self that I am, I wouldn't spend $10+ dollars on a cake in a box that I may not like). So I wasn't expecting the best from this biscuit. I sort of half expected the staleness, but in the back of my mind, I was hoping it wouldn't taste stale. But the staleness was there, even though the package was sealed inside and outside. Oh well.. now I know how petit bimbo's from Italy taste like. :(

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